Illinois Fans
Dominic G. says, “Great socks! They keep my feet warm and dry at the same time. My feet are happy!”
Clay M. says, “If you are on your feet all day, do your feet a favor and wear these socks. You will be glad you did!”
Jana W. says, “I’m wearing mine and I know the ones I gave as gifts for Christmas, are out duck hunting today too!
Renee W. says, “I have a story for you, I bought a pair of socks for my mom and dad for Mother’s and Father’s day. The night I bought the socks I was having a party, so I gave the socks to my mom early. My mom has issues with her foot and it is constantly uncomfortable and in a boot. I told her how soft and comfortable these socks were and she was excited to try them. That night she left the house and on the way home her car stopped and much to her dismay her phone was dead. Mom was a mile from home, so she put her socks on and concentrated on how soft and comfortable her socks were as she walked the mile to her house. Mom said they helped her get home and she loves them.”
Pat M. says, “I bought a pair of socks for my good friend last year. She is so hard to shop for, she never likes anything, and is always unhappy. I’m not saying that to make her sound bad, I just want you to know what type of Personality she has. I love her to death, but she is never satisfied with any gift. It’s just who she is. She has many health problems, and is always cold. That is why I thought your socks would be a good fit for her. Well, just last week I ended up taking her to the emergency room and she told me make sure you take my warm socks with us. As we were sitting there her on the gurney waiting to see the doctor she said, “Pat, hand me my warm socks, I’m so cold.” I was so happy that I could give her that one small gift. The gift of warmth. Thank you so much for helping me help a friend.”